Interested in 1-MNA for your patients?

Our clinical team based in Boulder, CO will be happy to answer any questions you might have.

(720) 204-8845

Globally Researched

The development of 1-MNA is a product of extensive global research, involving scientists from various countries including Poland, the United States, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Sweden, Denmark, Japan, China, and Iran. Leveraging a unique synthesis technology developed in partnership with European universities, we now offer 1-MNA as a high-quality dietary supplement.

Research and Studies

1-MNA molecule

Discover the power of the 1-MNA molecule - a naturally occurring marvel found in select foods such as Wakame brown algae and green tea leaves. However, to truly harness its potential, you'd need to consume around 2 kg of these foods daily.

Instead, we've brought the benefits of 1-MNA right to your fingertips. After rigorous evaluation by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), 1-MNA has been deemed safe for use, clearing the path for you to enjoy its benefits without the hassle of a hefty diet.

Order 1-MNA

Looking for more information?

Please contact us directly for information related to studies, research, and any other inquiries.